codebreaking and radar and radar ECM

chouse couryhouse at CACTUS.AZONLINE.COM
Mon Jul 6 18:42:18 EDT 1998

I have the following books for sale or trade:

R.V Jones.. "the wizzard war" pub 1978 brit. sci. intelligence
1939-1945  radar- radar ecm codebreaking
rockets lots of photos!!

The "Ultra Secret" by FW Winterbotham  pub 1974 ( have this in paperback
and hardback)

"enigma"  by robert harris   this is a wwII novel with all the above
stuff threaded thru it!

"the enigma" by michael barak Hard back ex lib. novel of  codebreaking
secrets etc...

Will trade for something that would fit into the museum!

thanks ed sharpe

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