enough already

Walter S Delesandri walt at JOVE.ACS.UNT.EDU
Tue Jul 7 10:59:00 EDT 1998

I, too would like to see BA and other (?) gear discussed from other
nations ---EXCEPT yaecomwood!
I think what the previous posters were implying is the same way I feel---
I watched yaecomwood take over the market in the seventies, and I'm
tired of the FT101 CBer crowd (AND ICOM AND KENWOOD ETC>) Enough already about
the damn 101s/520s/IC-whatevers.
However, small japanese companies (were there any?) or even homebrew
from other countries would be VERY interesting!!
Thanks for the space,
On Tue, 7 Jul 1998 10:44:56 -0400 Jerry Straight
<jerrys at FTP.XETRON.COM> wrote:I
> As far as I'm concerned mate, anyone in the world is welcome here and I like
> to see articles and info on non-american boatanchor gear.  As long as they
> are a boatanchor.
> Jerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Buxton <sb at ZIP.COM.AU>
> Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 9:48 AM
> Subject: Re: enough already
> >Why are North American radios so "pure"? There are plenty of quality
> >"boatanchors" made in the UK and here in Australia. Both countries have
> >keen collectors, but I doubt whether there are enough on the net for a
> >separate mailing list - and some of us collect US stuff too!
> >
> >Simon
> >
> >patden wrote:
> >>
> >> I for one have heard enough  about Japanese radios.
> >> We get this every day on our amateur bands.
> >>  lets keep the pure
> >> tradition of boatanchors, North American made radios,
> >> on this reflector.
> >> If someone could start up a International boatanchors reflector
> >> I'm sure they'll be plenty of conversation going on  about that
> >> subject.
> >>
> >>
> >> --... ...--      DENNIS     VE7-DH
> >>
> >
> >--
> >     // VK2EII   : Simon BUXTON, Sydney, Australia         \\
> >     // Email    : sb at zip.com.au                           \\
> >     //            simon.buxton at workcover.nsw.gov.au       \\
> >     // Web Sites: <http://www.zip.com.au/~sb/w_hobby.htm> \\
> >     //            <http://www.zip.com.au/~sb/hec4.htm>    \\
> >     //            <http://www.zip.com.au/~sb/wars>        \\
> >
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