Handbooks for sale

Gary Harmon gharmon at IDWORLD.NET
Thu Jul 9 07:11:24 EDT 1998

I decided not to collect Handbooks so the fllowing are available as priced.
Please add $3 for shipping.
Trades considered.

1947 - $25
1948 - $12 ruff

1950 - sold
1954 - $20
1956 - sold
1958 - sold
1959 - sold
1960 - sold
1962 - sold

1970 (2) - $15 ea
1971 - $15
1973 - $15
1976 - $15
1977 - $15
1978 - $15

1980 - $10

Gary H. Harmon, Jr., K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX  78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at idworld.net

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