FW: wanted-HFS power supply

Frank Dameron dameron at WYNDHAM.COM
Thu Jul 9 15:49:50 EDT 1998

Sorry, I did not include my e-address. First post and I thought it would
be included in the header - or maybe it doesn't show up on my mail
viewer. Anyway e-mail to
dameron at wyndham.com
chefrank at ix.netcom.com

FDameron N5TYD

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Dameron
> Sent: Thursday, July 09, 1998 1:40 PM
> Subject:      wanted-HFS power supply
> Need to find a power supply for National model HFS
> any help would be appreciated. you may e-mail me direct
> Thanks
> FDameron N5TYD
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