HQ-170 For Sale

Adam McLaughlin kd6poc at JPS.NET
Mon Jul 13 00:07:48 EDT 1998

I have an HQ-170 for sale. It is superb electrically, and all
specifications measure up to manual statements as measured. It is aligned
and hot as a firecracker. I need to get rid of this radio for college
money, so it has to go!

Cosmetically it is probably an 8 out of 10. Contact me for more information
about the cosmetics if you are concerned....

I am asking $125 plus shipping, or pick up.

Very 73,

Adam McLaughlin KD6POC
KD6POC at JPS.net
ICQ #6147499
AIM "Screen Name" is: kd6poc
"We are the dreamers, and we are the music makers"

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