Need parts for Galaxy 300 and power supply

Dutch Maurer dutch at DIALACCESS.COM
Thu Jul 16 20:11:16 EDT 1998

Hello fellow boat anchor enthusiast,

I am looking for some parts to restore a Galaxy 300 and PSA 300 Console
power supply.
I need the clock that goes in the power supply, it fits in the 1 inch X
3.25 inch hole
in the front of the PSA 300 Console. I also need the power cord that
uses the 12 pin
Cinch Jones plug s to connect the radio and power supply.

If you have a clock, working or not please let me know ( I may be able
to repair it)
and as for the power cord I may be able to make one up if I had the
correct wiring for
it, but if you have one it would make my life easier.

Please help to restore this grand old rig, if you have these parts or
have any ideas
that will help please let me hear from you.

Thanks, Dutch

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