Fw: collins

patden patden at BCINTERNET.NET
Sun Jun 7 14:27:51 EDT 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: patden <patden at bcinternet.net>
To: boatanchors at www.tempe.gov <boatanchors at www.tempe.gov>
Date: June 7, 1998 10:26 AM
Subject: collins

>For sale, or trade .
>Collins KWM-2  w/e  cca vg, 516f-2 ps, no case on ps, D104mic wired for
>rare MP-1 mint condx DC TO DC PS all wired and ready for field day.
>Spare set of finals 6146-b, manuals. trade for a HALLICRAFTERS SR-400
>HAVE A RARE ASTATIC JT-30 MIC +stand+shell shaped base excellent
>condx .  $185.00 or trade ?
>EIMAC 450- TL + SOCKET $ 175.00

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