19" Racks?

Frederick E Holnagel w7prv1 at JUNO.COM
Mon Jun 8 16:09:05 EDT 1998

Open letter to Clive re: why 19" for standard equipment rack width? Same
as why is U. S. not on metric system? Metric uses one little dot
(decimal) to determine unit of measure while we have inches, feet, yards,
rods, miles etc. all with odd increments.
Another thing bothering me is our passion for the number 9.  I saw a
garden tractor the other day for $999.99 which I immediately bought even
though I didn't need it because it was only $900, right?  Also figured
out that point 9 at the end of gasoline prices. My car gets 30 miles per
gallon.  I'd have to buy enough gasoline to drive from San Francisco to
New York City and back in order to save enough money( not paying the next
even cent) to pay for a local  call at a pay phone. Also who needs
pennies? Probably costs us more than 1 cent to make a penny. Try to find
pennies in Australia or New Zealand.  Also in what countries of the world
can you buy groceries by writing a check while holding up 8 or 10 people
in line with a combined income of about $12 figuring 3 minutes per check?
 Good old Safeway First Federal. Why don't Japanese
people buy our cars (which they love)?  How many Toyotas would you have
bought with the steering wheel on the wrong side? Oh well, beats the hell
out of me why a 19" rack, must have been determined by an American!  Fred
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