Movie on AMC

Steve Harrison ko0u at OS.COM
Wed Jun 10 20:13:15 EDT 1998

At 05:03 PM 06/10/98 EDT, Rick Arland wrote:
>>Thought it was kinda cool. Never thought there was Ham Radio in a
>>Mickey Rooney movie!
>If I remember correctly, this was not the only Mickey Rooney movie to
>have a ham radio segment. Boy's Town with Mickey and Spencer Tracey
>(or was it that O'brian guy who always played a priest) also had a ham
>station featured on film.

At least several of the Hardy Boys books contained at least passing mention
of someone using ham radio. I remember, after getting my Novice back in
'65, looking through my collection in the closet and poring through them
just for those segments. I was very disappointed to see some weird, oddball
callsign (even by today's standards, like my own) being used. Guess the
author of the books wasn't a ham himself but at least had a passing
acquaintance of ham radio.

Couldn't the fact that Mickey Rooney starred in so many movies with ham
radio mean that he, himself, had some serious interest? I don't remember
hearing that he was a ham.

73, Steve Ko0U/1

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