memory lane

Robert Stone bobmoe at IX.NETCOM.COM
Thu Jun 18 09:06:39 EDT 1998

        The thread about Allied brought back thoughts of days of ham radio
and electronics with my dad K1PHF, a silent key sine 1972. Over the years he
or I bought parts from Allied, BA and not mentioned so far Olson Electronics
for many a project. We spent many a weekend searching through the military
surplus in N.Y. on Canal or 42nd street. Our shack was in a constant state
of change and I wish I had today some of the home brew BA's that sat on our
operating bench. Dad finally bought the Apache, Mohawk and sb10 with the
instructions I could put them together but NEVER take them apart, so he had
something he could count on being together when he wanted to operate. I was
13 when dad and I built these and 38 Years later I still have those radios.

        For the old timers in/from Connecticut how many remember Hatry's? In
their Hartford, CT store they had a ham radio section with new and old
equipment. I spent hours in my youth from grammar school through college
there leaning on the counter talking to Corky or Ward the resident ham radio
experts. Corky built most every piece of equipment in his shack and
encouraged me to do the same. Hatry's had something for everybody, in my
case parts and cheap BA's, I used to buy 8298/6146 pulls from a them for
$.25. It was wonderful place for a kid on a allowance and odd job budget.

        To all those who were my mentors, dad K1PHF, George K1HIB, Ray
W1PNU, Corky and Ward Thanks!


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