fs: more kmw-2a parts

tom p daley g-sixty_three at JUNO.COM
Sun Jun 21 01:58:51 EDT 1998

parts for kmw-2a for sale

1. relay pair,  purchased from surplus sales of nebraska.
    installed but never seen power or use $55 pair (50% off current $$)
2. used/good switch "off/on/nb/cal" complete $20
3. kmw-2a mechanical filter $45
4. kmw-2a meter, used good  $30
5. kmw-2a original manual in good condition. some notes/marks $40
6. kmw-2a vfo assbly, used but good ! (vfo only, no dial mech) $65
7. used/good usb/lsb carrier oscillator crystals $20 pair
8. used/good 100khz crystal $10
9. used/good plate tune variable capacitor $20
A. used/good plate load variable capacitor $20

thanks 73 tom

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