JA Boatanchors? Wow...
N5AIT Allan Stephens
Tue Jun 23 10:38:38 EDT 1998
Hi, Gang!
Regardless of BA/non-BA classification of VSS stuff, do
remember that it is ALL fine to operate on "CX," the Classic
Radio Exchange, coming up the end of September (full announcement
about a month before). Just that when I work you with my
Harvey-Wells and SX-100, I get more points than you do (multiplier,
anyway - from combined AGE of equipment) - but do get them on and in!
As someone obvserved, "classic" depends a lot on when you were born,
when you got into the hobby, and I should like to add to that, what
was your very first rig!
73, Al N5AIT
modsteph at acs.eku.edu
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