"Fierce One Watter" added to Project page

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph w5hvv at AENEAS.NET
Thu Jun 25 10:03:47 EDT 1998

>i down loaded the file and noticed resistor r2
>is hooked to nothing
Steve, I just printed out a copy of the Fierce One Watter that I
had downloaded from Dexter's Website and, indeed, the scan must
have missed the connection between R2 (11K, 2W Resistor) and the
B+ line tht is vertical just to the right of it.

I also noticed that when I drew it, I screwed up my resistor count
and the resistor between the cathod pin 1 of the 117L7/M7 and the
+ side of the 100 ufd, 450 VDC filter capacitor should have been
properly designated as R3 instead of R2.

I apologize for the resistor designation.  Musta been late at nite
(or at least that's my lame excuse).

Rod, N5HV
w5hvv at aeneas.net

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