step up xfmr needed

Gary Pewitt gpewitt at EXECPC.COM
Fri Jun 26 21:37:48 EDT 1998

My friend Ron Doering WA9QNN just moved from Saudi
to Japan.  He has need for a step up transformer
to boost his 65 to 80 volt 50 cycle house current
up to 110 or 120 volts.  He wants to run his ba
gear at his home in Yamato.  When I was in Japan
we had 220/230 volts which we had to step down to
115.  I would very much like to find a suitable
transformer or auto transformer capable of
powering his Drake twins or the Viking II I
sold him before he left for Saudi, and which
he has lovingly restored.  So if anyone has such
a transformer or a good source please let me know.
Ron's a great guy, please help me to help him.
Thanks and 73  Gary

Name: Gary Pewitt N9ZSV/KT
      6120 W. Calumet Rd. Apt 204
      Milwaukee, WI  53223
      414 355 8147 Home 414 297 4307 Work
E-mail: gpewitt at
Date: 06/26/98
Time: 18:37:48


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