[Drake] Re: [Hallicrafters] [Fwd: GALAXY/GLOBE/WRL Page]

Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph w5hvv at AENEAS.NET
Mon Jun 29 13:09:43 EDT 1998

>Hi Tom,
>     Well Galaxy is an illegally imported (Bootleg) CB/Ham Transceiver.
>It is sold as a 10 meter radio but we all know what it is used for (CB).
>It's my opinion that this product should not be promoted...
>Boyd  W6DSB
Boyd, dunno if the above is a joke or not.  Assuming you were sincere,
the World Radio Labs Galaxy was a rather well known and used transceiver,
as I recall.... from possibly before your time: 50's-60's, I believe.
The effort to start a Galaxy/Globe/World Radio Labs Page is not what you
imply, I can assure you.

Rod, N5HV
w5hvv at aeneas.net

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