An Appraisal

Adam McLaughlin kd6poc at JPS.NET
Tue Jun 30 11:59:42 EDT 1998

Dear Boatanchor Fans,

I am an eighteen year old college kid who may be looking to "thin the herd"
before leaving school so I can buy a truck to actually get there. So, I am
looking around at my pile of stuff looking to see what I can part with to
raise money for my cause, and I am wondering what this might go for.

I have an RAO-9 receiver that I re-capped and restored. This looks like an
NC-127 except it is ruggederized for naval use. It weighs about 110 pounds,
and is made of solid steel. There is no S-meter because this is a CW
optimized radio. I bought it broken and fixed it up with new caps and the
parts unit that I got with it, along with the box of un-opened, fungus
sealed parts that came in the total package. This radio has the yellow
fungus coating over everything, including the chassis and aluminum front
panel. This front panel is strange because the rest of the radio is all
steel construction, while the front panel is aluminum only, although the
original fungus coating is still visable in spots here.

I have a schematic, and a manual for an RAO-3 which is a close relative of
this radio. They were so close that I could use the schematic to fix the

There is a legend plate on the side of the radio stating who it was made
for and when it was made. If memory serves me well it was made in April,
1945. There is more there, and if it is important I can haul it out of
there and look it up...

I am told that in Raymond Moore's new Receiver book you can find a relative
of this receiver, the RAO-1 through 8 in there. The major difference
between this radio and mine is that this has an S meter and mine has a few
more steps in the crystal filter selector.

Anyway, that is as best of a description that I can give of this off of the
top of my head. Can anybody give me an estimate of what this could go for?

Thanks and Very 73,

Adam McLaughlin KD6POC
ICQ #6147499
AIM "Screen Name" is: kd6poc
"We are the dreamers, and we are the music makers"

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