
Keith Rowland k4kgw at MINDSPRING.COM
Wed Mar 4 09:16:40 EST 1998

Adam:  From page 93, September 1955 QST:

Multiphase Exciter, Model 10B
10-watts PEP output on SSB, AM, PM and CW
Multi-band operation using plug-in coils
Choice of grey table model, grey or black wrinkle finish rack model.
With coils for one band.
Wired and Tested:  $179.50
Complete Kit:  $129.50

Other Features:  Perfected voice-controlled break-in on SSB, AM and PM.
Upper or lower sideband at the flip of a switch, with 40db suppression.

New carrier-level control.  Insert any amount of carrier without
disturbing carrier suppression adjustments.

Talk yourself on frequency.

Calibrate signal level adjustable from zero to full output.

New AF input jack.  For oscillator or phone patch.

CW break-in operation.

Accessory power socket.

In the same ad is sthe Model 20A, which was 20-watts PEP Output,
banddswitched, with magic eye carrier null and peak modulation
indicator, for $249.50, wired and tested, or the kit for $199.50.

Hope this helps.

73, Keith

Adam McLaughlin wrote:
> Does anyone know anything about the CE-10B? I have the oppertunity to pick
> one up here locally and inexpensively, and I would like to know something
> about it, if possible before going into a deal...
> Thanks!
> Adam
> Adam McLaughlin KD6POC
> KD6POC at JPS.net
> http://www.jps.net/jmclaugh/adam2.htm
> ICQ #6147499
> AIM "Screen Name" is: kd6poc
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