Heath 2'er & IM58

Brian Sutin sutin at UCOLICK.ORG
Sun Mar 8 14:54:31 EST 1998

These are for *trade* or *trade + cash difference*.  I would prefer
swapping for something at Foothill Swap next week.  I just decided
that I can't collect everything, so Heath's are out.  I am interested
in Tektronix plug-ins, RF oscillators, other test equipment, and
some boatanchors (a CW-only transmitter, for example).  Anything
made by RME.

I have a Heath 2'er (2-meter regenerative tranceiver) and a
Heath IM-58 (Harmonic Distortion Meter), both in good condition.

I picked up both some time ago at Foothill, and have never powered
either one up.  If you only want working equipment, then you can
take them home to test them.  (On the other hand, if you can't fix
them, perhaps you should consider some other hobby.)

I checked the tubes of the 2'er at some point, added a power plug,
microphone, and manual.  I have no other 2M AM equipment to test it.

The IM-58 is probably very rare, since I have never found a manual.
Here is a description:

    It will measure harmonic distortion over the audio range.  You need a
    low distortion audio oscilator to go allow with it.  I can write up
    some operating instructions if you like.  I've used mine several times
    check out hifi systems.  Lately, I've been using is to check out some
    radios for packet.  It works as an audio notch filler. Thus letting
    though only the components of the signal that are not at the notch
    frequency.  An audio volt meter is used to measure the signal level
    of all the signals not at the input frequency (i.e. the notch
    frequency) to the device under test.  The ratio of the total signals
    less the input signal to the total signal is the harmonic distortion.
    For example, if you input 1 KiloHz to a device and the output is 1
    volt.  If the output is 0.01 volts after notching out the 1KiloHz
    signal, then the distortion is 1%, (0.01/1 in per cent)
                        Stephen(Steve) Schwarm, W3EVE

I also have a Heath audio oscillator which could be used along with it.
I forget the oscillator model number, but it definitely works.

Brian  KD6TLA

(ps -- I don't know what the difference is between "Heath" and "Heathkit",
       so I've used them interchangeably.)

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