Recapping SP600

Chuck Hastings chasting at EROLS.COM
Mon Mar 9 19:54:08 EST 1998

Hi to all,
    I've just begun to troubleshoot a fairly clean, but non-working,
SP600-JX receiver I bought earlier this month. I have isolated the
problem to shorted bypass capacitors in the RF deck.  This radio appears
to be populated with many black plastic, color coded, paper capacitors
which are prone to fail. A few in the chassis appear to have already
been replaced. Since disassemby and access is so much work, I think I'll
go ahead and replace them all while I'm at it.
    Question, What is the preferred capacitor to use as replacement for
all those .01 and .022 uf caps?  My first inclination was to use ceramic
disks at 600 or more volts, but if they will fit what about the
polypropylene "Orange Drop" Spragues?  Will the 600 Volt ones fit in the
RF deck or perhaps the 400 Volt versions? I'm just now beggining to
disassemble it so I'm not sure how much room there will be. Any words of
wisdom from someone who's undertaken this task?
                Chuck Hastings

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