6LQ6 Tubes FS

Keith Rowland k4kgw at MINDSPRING.COM
Mon Mar 16 07:46:45 EST 1998

Perhaps Jay should offer these tubes on the ebay auction.  If an old
telegraph key goes there for several thousand dollars, think of what
some fervid auction-lover might pay for them!

73, Keith

Jim Strohm wrote:
> I have to remark on this....
> "Jay H. Miller" <jmiller at TELETEAM.NET> writes:
> >I have eight (8) 6LQ6/6JE6C tubes for sale as a lot.
> >   [minimal snippage]
> >Best offer over $200.
> WOW!
> I compared this price for sweep tubes with what
> the same amount of cash would buy in terms of
> real transmitting devices -- cheap Soviet 811As,
> or cheap MRF454s scraped up from the from Arizona
> desert...the extra power per buck for the NEW stuff was
> staggering.  Do we really want to keep escalating the
> price of NOS tubes?
> Of course, this is definitely NOT the forum for
> nay-saying the joys of tubes, but c'mon, let's
> be realistic (no, not THOSE tubes) about the
> prices we ask and pay for tubes.  This is
> NOT the audiophile maillist.  Yet.
> If I start getting nostalgic for glow-in-the-dark rigs,
> I'll put a perforated screen on the top of my solid-state
> amp and duct-tape a few ultraviolet fluorescent tubes in there.
> Apply SSB, and voila, instant 866A flashing glow!
> Since I live in Texas, the extra shack heat
> is a pleasure I can forego 11 months out of the year.
> Jim N6OTQ
> hoping we can all remember that it's a hobby
> and it's supposed to be fun
> Jim Strohm
> jstrohm at texas.net
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