6LQ6 Tubes FS
Jim Lowman
jmlowman at IX.NETCOM.COM
Mon Mar 16 14:56:03 EST 1998
At 09:15 AM 3/16/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Please gentlemen, don't embarrass yourself!!
>Bob Peters, a real gentleman, is absolutely right. The tubes DO
>cost this much!!
>>>>>>BBBBBBBUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT<<< and it's a big but, I have to
>put my .02 in here:
>We are supposed to be hams. The goddamn CBers have caused this
>with their LEEEENEEEEERS. There were enough sweep tubes produced
>in the 60s and 70s to last FOREVER in ham rigs, but the
>illegal CBers (is there another kind?) snapped 'em up and fried 'em.
Walt makes an excellent point here. Not too long ago, the president of
our local amateur radio club was asked to handle the estate of a
recent SK.
Among his effects was a brand of amplifier that I was unfamiliar with,
and it turned out to be one of these illegal CB "linears." Upon closer
inspection, this amplifier used SIX sweep tubes, namely the 6LQ6. Out
of curiosity we fired it up, and made a few contacts. Got decent signal
reports, and about 400 watts output.
I had just gone through the "sticker shock" of trying to replace the
6LQ6 final in an immaculate Swan Cygnet 270B that I bought from a
fellow club member. Prices quoted ranged from $30 to $100! Finally,
I bought one for $20 from a ham in Washington state.
Well that, and the outrageous prices that Collins gear is bringing these
days, caused me to re-evaluate my interest in boatanchor collecting.
I'll keep the Swan, and my original Drake "4-line" from my early days
as a ham, but doubt that I'll collect too many more.
73 de Jim - AD6CW
administrator for the boatanchors mailing list (until I get priced out of
this part of the hobby!)
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