6LQ6 Tubes FS

Gary W8PU w8pu at YOUR-NET.COM
Mon Mar 16 15:47:20 EST 1998

   I have a number of co-workers who are / where hot into CB. I have
seen a lot of sweep tube CB linears. They used to make them with band
switches to imply they where for ham use. They were really poorly
made. Nothing more discussing then a nicotine and dirt soaked CB
linear. I agree that the shortage of sweep tubes are due to CB amps...
6LQ6, 6JE6, 6JS6,6MB6, etc. I saw one amp that looked fairly new made
by Galaxy that used 30MB6's and 31JS6's. These guys are so hard up to
make a buck off of CB they have had to resort to 30 volt filament
tubes. Also the FT-101's were CB favorites so that ate up more tubes.
The only reason 6JB6's are still around is that they were not used for
CB amps, at least I have never seen one.  I am sure glad I stock piled
6JB6's 6 years ago!

73,   Gary

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