Robert M. Bratcher Jr. bratcher at PDQ.NET
Tue Mar 17 13:22:52 EST 1998

At 08:59 AM 3/17/98 -0800, you wrote:
>BUT - they do auction off BA's all the time.  Bob
>Smoke Signals
>Robert W. Perry
>rperry at stny.lrun.com
>131 E High St
>Painted Post, NY

And I've bought a few through them.
Along with plenty of records & films...

bratcher at pdq.net
Record collector, 8mm, super 8, 16 and 35mm Film collector.
Looking for prerecorded reel to reel tape albums.
I like old radio's too.
Collins, Hallicrafters, National & Hammarlund are my Favorites!

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