6LQ6 Tubes FS
Brian Carling
Wed Mar 18 06:51:12 EST 1998
Gary there are still MANY other tpes of 6V and 12V sweep tubes
available new in boxes at bargain prices that will readily substitute
for most of these golden eggs(!)
Someone gave me over a dozen brand new Sylvania 6CD6s last year!
There are so many out there, it is really not a worry!
On 16 Mar 98 at 12:47, Gary wrote:
> Gang..
> I have a number of co-workers who are / where hot into CB. I have
> seen a lot of sweep tube CB linears. They used to make them with band
> switches to imply they where for ham use. They were really poorly
> made. Nothing more discussing then a nicotine and dirt soaked CB
> linear. I agree that the shortage of sweep tubes are due to CB amps...
> 6LQ6, 6JE6, 6JS6,6MB6, etc. I saw one amp that looked fairly new made
> by Galaxy that used 30MB6's and 31JS6's. These guys are so hard up to
> make a buck off of CB they have had to resort to 30 volt filament
> tubes. Also the FT-101's were CB favorites so that ate up more tubes.
> The only reason 6JB6's are still around is that they were not used for
> CB amps, at least I have never seen one. I am sure glad I stock piled
> 6JB6's 6 years ago!
> 73, Gary
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*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA *
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