FS: ARRL Handboooks & publications

van lincoln vlincoln at POSTOFFICE.WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Sun Mar 22 16:16:04 EST 1998

You come off like a person that has principles, however your principles
are severely misguided.  a person has to be a little crazy to give away
valuable items like you did.

We have worked our lives to GET these items, and it's real nice to give
them away,
like you did.

however, the old days are gone, and we are living with reality.
A person has a right to get a fair market value price,
and not have to hear about it from people who evidently have no problem
telling the
world what is wrong with their lives.

It would be nicer if you would say you'll donate $5 for every book Dick
sold to the poor
unfortunate individual who bought such over priced books.  I suggest the
American Cancer Society.

I am the person who bought the books and feel I paid a FAIR MARKET PRICE
for them.

So stop knocking Dick, and stop knocking ME.  There is a saying that if
you're the only one who
see's a problem, maybe there is something wrong with your perception.

van wd8aam


At 05:44 PM 3/22/98 -0800, you wrote:
>w0ex at SCAN.MISSOURI.ORG <DICK W0EX> displays his mercenary side when he
>>I have the following ARRL handbooks to sell:
>>Hardbound..... all binding and covers are excellent, very good to
>>excellent condition otherwise.  All have some library markings
>>For Years:
>> 1975 , 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984.
>>I'll Sell the  9 for $140, or if no one wants them all, individually for
>>$20 each.
>He said something else but I (oops) erased it.
>Gentlemen, I am deeply dismayed to see people like DICK offering
>books for sale at such outrageously inflated prices.  I can only
>hope that the ARRL will soon provide back issues of the Handbook
>on CD-ROM, so that those of us who need the information can get it
>at a fair cost, and those of us who choose to give DICK his due
>will pay his exorbitant, obscene, rapacious, gouging prices
>for the Handbook.
>I have long since lost sight of the vision of Ham brotherhood on
>this particular mail list.  Now I'm mostly amused, and occasionally
>take note of the most egregious offenders of common decency and what
>we used to describe as the love of the hobby.
>DICK, I hope I sent you to the dictionary so you could be adequately
>insulted.  As for the rest of us -- true, some among us will pay these
>prices for a book.  I never have and I never will -- and I sold my
>Handbook collection (spanning five decades) at a fair price ($4 each) so that
>fellow hams could share my joy with these books.
>Jim N6OTQ
>Oh yeah -- DICK mentions "library markings"  -- what he doesn't mention
>is that when libraries retire books, they do so for FREE -- where's DICK's
>Ham spirit when he offers to sell for $20 each some stuff that he got
>for free -- or possibly, even filched out of a dumpster?  Not to say
>it's bad to pick trash, just that it's not in the spirit of amateur radio
>to pick trash and sell it at $20 a piece.
>Jim Strohm
>jstrohm at texas.net
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