D-104 Microphone Xtal Element

Joe Buch joseph.buch at DOL.NET
Mon Mar 23 20:52:54 EST 1998

At 10:00 3/23/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi, I loaned my precious D-104 (that I had owned since 1958) to
>a 16 year old ham and when I got it back the element shows
>infinite resistance..... and no output.  He musta zapped it somehow.
>Anyone have any idea where I can get a replacement element?  It
>needs to be a high impedance element, just like the original.
>Thank you.
>Rod Fitz-Randolph, N5HV
>w5hvv at aeneas.net


Mouser sells a crystal element with a 25k ohm impedance and -55dB output
which is not quite as hot as the old D-104 but should work.  The frequency
response is 50 - 8000 Hz.  Check the physical size of the original element
to see if it will fit.  The replacement is 1.38 inches in diameter and .46
inches thick.  The Mouser number is 25LM022.  The unit quantity price is
$3.52.  Phone 1-800-346-6873.

                                                /     \
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Every action produces an equal          |  _               _  |
                and opposite criticism..| |_| @ @  @  @ @ |_| |
~*-.,_,.-*~'^'~*-.,_,.-*~'^'~*-.,_,.-*~'|      @ _____ @      |
Joe Buch                                |  @  @ |     |  @    |
Amateur Radio N2JB                      |       |_____|       |
joseph.buch at dol.net                     |    @  @ /-\ @   /-\ |
-*~'^'~*-.,_,.-*~'^'~*-.,_,.-*~'^'~*-.,_|        |   |   |   ||
If you ate pasta and antipasta, would   |     @   \__/Oooo\__/|
the calories from each cancel out?      |____oooO____(   )____|
                                              \ (     ) /
                                               \_)   (_/

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