D-104 Microphone Xtal Element

Don Buska d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Tue Mar 24 19:52:21 EST 1998

Crystal mics don't last forever.  They usually loss it from picking up
moisture over the years from the surrounding environment and mouth.
I've never broken one from shock yet, but I'm sure they do have some
limitations there as well.

However, I currently use a EV Cardax mic as the number one mic in my
shack (See AM Side on http://www.qsl.net/n9oo) which is probably 30-40
years old.  It works great and it is crystal.


Don N9OO

On Mon, 23 Mar 1998 19:10:29 -0600, Steve Lords wrote:

>what would cause an element to go bad in the d-104??
>wa7isl :)
>Don Buska wrote:
>> Amateur Electronics Supply in Milwaukee sells new replacement
>> for the D-104, both the ceramic and crystal elements.  They run
>> $20.
>> You can get their phone number from the latest QST's.
>> 73
>> Don N9OO
>> On Mon, 23 Mar 1998 12:00:53 -0600, Roderick M. Fitz-Randolph wrote:
>> >Hi, I loaned my precious D-104 (that I had owned since 1958) to
>> >a 16 year old ham and when I got it back the element shows
>> >infinite resistance..... and no output.  He musta zapped it somehow.
>> >
>> >Anyone have any idea where I can get a replacement element?  It
>> >needs to be a high impedance element, just like the original.
>> >
>> >Thank you.
>> >
>> >Rod Fitz-Randolph, N5HV
>> >w5hvv at aeneas.net
>> >
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