GB> Liberty ship radio room

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Fri May 1 17:07:35 EDT 1998

Sorry, but please fill us "dumb-dumbs" in on this - WHAT is an "ET"?

Is that some kind of radio from the movie "ET" that he used to phone
home? Or WHAT?

On 29 Apr 98 at 6:43, Chris wrote:

> On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Bill Hawkins wrote:
> > Toured the Liberty Ship JOHN W BROWN this afternoon, at Baltimore's
> > Inner Harbor. This is the only such ship on the East coast. The radio
> > room is fully restored. It has an ET 8023-D1 HF transmitter, 2-24 MC,
> > and an ET 8024-A transmitter 300-500 KC, 200 watts. Matching receivers
> > are AR 8506B and AR 8510. They run off ships power, 120 VDC, with the
> > aid of MG sets. Only Morse is used, no speech transmission.  The panel
> > has a clock with the auto alarm and silent periods marked in red, and
> > there is an auto alarm decoder panel.  I took some pictures. We'll see
> > what comes out.
> >
> > Our guide was a radio operator on a Liberty Ship, so he knew what he
> > was talking about. I told him about BA and asked if I could use his
> > name and call here.  He's Nelson Caley, W8EAR, of Canton, OH. He said
> > not all ships had the HF radio. If you didn't, you were limited to
> > about 200 miles, so you tried to find someone to relay your message.
> >
> > Then we went down to the engine room, where a single 3 stage piston
> > steam engine turns the screw directly at 76 RPM, driving the 450 foot
> > ship at 11 knots. But that's not the subject of this group, is it.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Bill Hawkins
> >
> Bill,
>         I recently toured the Jeremiah O'Brien, a fully restored and
> seaworthy Liberty Ship in San Francisco.  It also has an original
> radio room.  The FCC will not allow them to operate it as the
> harmonics from the transmitter interfere with the FM broadcast band.
>         The engine room in the O'Brien was used in the filming of
> "Titanic" by replacing the ladders, light bulbs, etc. with smaller
> ones, giving the illusion that the engine was larger.  They spent an
> entire day going from forward to reverse for the film crew.
>         The engine is a triple-expansion, which was long since
>         obsolete
> when the ships were made but could be made by any machine shop.  The
> Navy had taken up all of the turbine manufacturing for warships.
> There are fewer than 10 operating triple-expansion engines left in
> the world, and the 2,500 HP in the O'brien is the largest of these.
> The Titanic had three, but I don't know what their rating was.
>         In the O'Brien you can walk down the shaft galley to the
>         main
> shaft bearing.  It's an interesting tour if you're not concerned
> with being in small, dimly-lit places.
>      ,----------------------.       Circuit Design for the
>     /    What's all this     \            RF Impaired
>    / extinct stuff, anyhow?  /
>    \  _______,--------------'        Chris Trask / N7ZWY
>   _ |/                               Principal Engineer
>  oo\                                 ATG Design Services
> (__)\       _                          P.O. Box 25240
>   \  \    .'  `.                  Tempe, Arizona 85285-5240
>    \  \  /      \
>     \  '"        \                     Technical Editor,
>      .       (  ) \                      QRP Quarterly
>       '-| )__| :.  \                     QRP ARCI 9464
>         | |  | | \  '.
>        c__; c__;  '-..'>.__      Email:  ctrask at
>                     Graphics by Loek Frederiks
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