R394/U, T278/U & DY98/U Values????

Eugene Rippen soundval at FOOTHILL.NET
Sun May 3 14:44:02 EDT 1998

I Have two large cases ( CY 938A/VRC ) in which each
has a receiver, transmitter and power supply.  The
contents of each are identical with one exception.

Has DY98/U Dynamotor PS; a T278/U Transmitter and
a R394/U receiver. They look good and original.

Has DY98/G Dynamotor PS missing the top cover;
a T278/U Transmitter missing the front cover; and
an R394/U Receiver. They appear the be otherwise
complete and original.

What kind of market value do these have?
What id the difference in the 2 Power Supplies?


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