Vintage Yaesu Radios From BA Estate

George Gleim george at QNQ.COM
Fri May 8 18:04:54 EDT 1998

Hello fans of Boat Anchors and thanks in advance for the bandwidth.

I am helping to dispose of an estate that has a set of vintage (~1973)
Yaesu radios in it.

Yaesu FLDX-400 Transmitter
Yaesu FRDX-400 Receiver

I have tested both radios to ensure that they are fully operational.
The transmitter works well and has full output (100 watts) on all
bands.  The transmitter consists of a transistor-based VFO, tubes, and a
pair of 6JS6 as finals.  The receiver also functions well.  Papers show
that the receiver was serviced at Yaesu within the last year and was
calibrated/aligned to factory specs.  The cosmetic condition of both
radios are excellent with NO dust or rust, clean, and look very nice!
These radios have been well cared for over the years!

Also included are manuals (original) and a cable to connect the two for
transceive operation.

Asking price is $225 for either radio shipped cont. U.S or $400 for the
pair shipped.

Thanks for your time.

Very best regards,


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