Old solid state VHF marine rig
Brian Carling
Sun May 10 20:25:56 EDT 1998
I recently acquired a Standard Horizon Explorer II marine VHF FM
xcvr that I am going to try to modify for 2m on the local repeater.
NOW I find that those rubber covers on
the front-panel are ACTUALLY push buttons for membrane switches and
this baby looks like it is actually synthesized on several channels,
hmmmm. Uses about 5 crystals total in there. Anyone have any
experience moving these jewels or other similar radios onto the 2m
The rocks are marked:
(These last two are in their own shielded compartment with trimmers,
varactors, a transistor and a coil/can)
Any idea what frequencies it covers NOW as-is?
Was it somehow programmable?
Anyone have any clues how to move this thing down?
I do have a manual on the way, so that might help!
Bry, AF4K / G3XLQ
*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA *
** E-mail to: bry at mnsinc.com *
*** ICQ 6124470 ***
** http://www.mnsinc.com/bry/ *
AM International #1024, TENTEN #13582. GRID FM19. Rigs: Valiant, DX-60/HG-10, FT-840, TM-261A, Harvey Wells Bandmaster, Drake 2
TEN-TEN #13582, DXCC #17763, Bicentennial WAS
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