FS; Selling for a friend

Stan &/or Pat Muller pmuller at ABEINC.NET
Sat May 16 21:31:26 EDT 1998

The following tubes are graded by cosmetic condition only as I have no
way to test them, they are however guaranteed to work and test ok when
you get them or your money back.
Eimac; 4CX250B/7203 (like new) quantity 6, $38 each
 same as above except anode ring tarnished, quantity 1, $25 each
RCA;   4CX250B/7203 (like new) quantity 1, $38 each
Eimac; 4CX250R/7580 (like new) quantity 2, $38 each
Amprex/JAN; 7580/4CX250R (tarnish, look like pulls) quantity 12, $20
ITT/ Jennings, vacuum variable capacitor, 5KV, 5 to 465PF, like new $150
Hewlett Packard 5623C frequency counter,  (9) untested, as is, $45
Johnson Viking Mod 122 VFO (8) untested, $40
Polycom, civil defense, 6 meter transceiver, 8 original knobs, 2 not
original, (8) untested, no mic $45
All prices are plus shipping from 64633, if I'm off on the prices, make
offers, trades welcome, thanks for your time, 73 Stan

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