"CX" frequencies change - get ready now!
Eugene Balinski
eugeneb at NNI.COM
Tue May 19 22:19:11 EDT 1998
This is the first time I have seen the announcement for this fall.
Does anyone care to supply a start time for the "exchange" ??
Gene K1NR/3
At 10:03 AM 5/19/98 -0700, Allan Stephens N5AIT wrote:
>Hi, Gang,
> Well, the world changes... In 1975 when brother Stu K8SJ
>put together the first Classic Radio Exchange (then Nostalgia
>Exchange) to encourage y'all to repair, restore and operate the
>older equipment, he pulled the suggsted frequencies out of the
>air, with the consistency that the CW freqs were all the same
>up from bottom end of the bands (60 kHz up at that time).
> Over the last few "CX's" we have seen the changes and how
>they affect our attempts. We are now getting foreign phone stuff,
>and those idiot machines cruising up and down and zapping in any-
>where they find an opening - even a momentary one. We started shifting
>last time, but need to do it more thoroughly as a result of what we
>have learned - SO:
> Classic Radio Exchange frequencies (next "CX" is the last Sunday
>in September) for CW will move to:
> 3545, 7045, 14.045, 21.135, 28.180. In general this shifts us
>out of foreign phone traffic and the idiot machines, and on the higher
>bands puts us into the Novice/Tech-plus area to help encourage those
>guys, and to use the same crystal as you used on the 40 meter band
>(3x and 4x that 7045). Of course, always tune around those frequencies
>for the contest, at LEAST Plus/minus 5 kHz. Three xtals and you are
>in business for 80 thru 10.
> Plenty of time to get them in before September - so have at it!
>With very little personal experience on the phone frequencies I do not
>know if we need to do anything with them. Let me know if we do - and
>suggestions for specifics.
> For the Committee,
> 73, Al N5AIT
> modsteph at acs.eku.edu
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