SP-210LX, GRR-5 items wanted

Tom Norris badger at TELALINK.NET
Mon May 25 20:21:54 EDT 1998

Another one of my periodic inobtainium lists :

Wanted --

Canvas cover for AN/GRR-5 set. Any condition, complete is better.
If in bad shape, it least gives me a pattern to sew another together.

Top cover for Hammarlund SP-210 Power Supply RA-74A* ( I think, no ID plate
on the unit -- how do I tell? ) or a good supplier of perforated metal
cheap so
I can make one of my own, though the original louvered cover is much nicer

*Question, since there is no ID plate, were all the PS's the same? This one
a signal corps ID stamp "order number (can't read it)-NY-41" so at least
tells me
it was a '41 contract.....

Terminal strips for power cable for Super Pro SP-210 -- the phenolic strips
for each end of the power cable for attachment between PS and RX.

Bottom cover for the SP-210LX. Yea, it is only sheet metal, and pretty easy to
make, but if anyone has one lying around and in the way.....



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