List Status

Dave Kelley ai7r at PRESENCEKNOWN.COM
Thu May 28 00:02:29 EDT 1998

Greetings from the list admin...

More fun.

Our firewall is acting up some hardware is like earth quakes and
then we get tremors for days.  The list seems to still be working, but funny
things may still happen until the end of the week...then we should be back
to smooth sailing.

The list address is and always will be (listname)   It's
showing up as (listname) in places that isn't important, but
using it will not work....or won't when the bugs are out, so don't try it.
Keep posting to the same address you have been.

I got a message from someone saying the archives have a strange background.
I didn't see anything change there at all, but if anyone else is seeing
strange stuff there please let me know privately.

73 and sorry for the'll get better real soon.

For a positive presence known on the web...
Dave Kelley, AI7R

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