Original R-390 ( non-A ) manual wanted
Tom Norris
badger at TELALINK.NET
Sat May 30 23:57:28 EDT 1998
Title pretty much says it all. There are original 390A manuals
all over the place, but don't see the 390 ( TM 11-5820-357-35 )
around much. If anyone has a -357-20 lying around, that would be
great too. Also need a TM 11-5820-358-20 or thereabouts.
Originals preferred as these are for the ongoing online scanned
manual project
Please visit The Mil List for info on military communications gear:
This is a non-comercial endeavor strictly for providing
info for those who have a need for it - and intertainment
for those who dont....
ANY and ALL Contributions Welcome.
Tom Norris KA4RKT
badger at telalink.net Nashville, Tennessee, USA
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