PRC-6 radios available

Bruce Sugarberg bsugarberg at FREEWWWEB.COM
Mon Nov 2 20:07:11 EST 1998

Hi Gary,

The standard PRC-6 covered 46-55.4 mhz, FM,
crystal controlled (CR-23), 200 mw output, 6 lb.
13 tubes.  90, 45, 1.5 vdc required.  Looks like a
large walkie-talkie.  Korean War vintage.

I don't know if the Israeli version is any different.


Bruce Sugarberg WA8TNC
Gary Pewitt wrote:

> Gang, for those interested, The Sportsman's Guide
> catalog has PRC-6's available for $29.97 each.  If
> you buy two they are $27.50 each.  They are described
> as Israeli issue and -not- working.  Limited quantity.
> 1-800-888-3006 order line.  No connection, I just get
> the catalog.
> What are they?  VHF?  FM?
> -------------------------------------
> Name: Gary Pewitt N9ZSV/KT
>       6120 W. Calumet Rd. Apt 204
>       Milwaukee, WI  53223
>       414 355 8147 Home 414 297 4307 Work
> E-mail: gpewitt at
> Date: 11/02/98
> Time: 19:28:38
> ----------------------------------
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