[R-390] What is a Vet?

Richard E. Robinson rerobins at EMAIL.UNCC.EDU
Wed Nov 11 12:49:42 EST 1998

>  He is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket - palsied now
> and aggravatingly slow - who helped liberate a Nazi death camp and
> who wishes all day long that his wife were still alive to hold him when
> the nightmares come.

Would you believe that a member of this list argued with me that Nazi death
camps did not exist?  I offered to introduce him to Joe, W4AMO, a member of
Patton's Third Army who was there and saw and smelled the piles of rotting
bodies.  The ignorant may deny it, but Joe's generation knows first hand
the horror of the Nazi war machine.

I remember being at Keesler AFB in electronics tech school in 1969 and
watching Red Cross jets unload caskets from VietNam.  I have more than one
friend on "The Wall", and I'll never forget them.


Rick kf4ar
VietNam era USAF

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