Ha Ha, So There!

Tom Clarke fclarke at EROLS.COM
Wed Nov 18 15:55:47 EST 1998

At 12:12 PM 11/18/98 -0600, David Stinson wrote:
>I've been listening to all the HF USB traffic
>on 11175 KC while our forces rattle their sabers
>at the Quaq from Iraq.  It's pretty neat to hear
>"Sky King, Sky King, do not answer..." again.
>Better listen while you can, folks.
>HF phone links are going the way of CW.
>I haven't heard anything on the old nets
>like Quebec (6761) so maybe this is what
>they have left.

Warm up those R-390s and listen in while the listening is good.  Eventually
the USAF HF Global Network will transition to ALE (Automatic Link
Establishment) and who knows if the good old BAs of yesteryear will be
able.  Still lots of analog stuff to listen to on HF.  Here is the latest
list from the DOD Flight Info Handbook:

4724, 6712, 6739, 8968, 8992, 11175, 13200, 15016, 17976.

These are the calling frequencies (MAinsail is the collective call) and
each individual station has discretes that can be used.

Stations are: Anderson (Guam), Andrews, Ascension, Croughton, Elmendorf,
Hickam, Incirlik, Lajes, Puerto Rico(remoted to Andrews),  McClellan,
Offutt, Thule, and Yokota.  MacDill has closed.

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