Atlas Model 206 VFO & Counter

DavidC davidc at BIT-NET.COM
Fri Nov 27 15:19:16 EST 1998

I have a very nice and very rare Atlas 206 external VFO.  This is the VFO
that also functions as a frequency counter that matches the Atlas 210x
(80-10m) and 215x (160-15m) solid state mobile transceivers.

I am looking for the manual. Am also considering selling it outright for
$150. o.b.o., shipped conus.

(I also need a manual for an Atlas 210x & matching Console.  I will
probably have to sell that as well.  Asking $175. for the rig, $125. for
the console, shipped conus.)

 73 ...
 \ ~ / .... DavidC AA1FA

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