For Sale

Mon Nov 30 13:16:13 EST 1998

For Sale  Shipping not included.

Thanks AL N1PIC

I 151 A Oscillator ( Audio Signal Generator) 20-20khz in 3 bands
Civilian ( MOD 101  )by  Espy Mfg Co NY NY      25lbs
Is  painted OD, Sig Corp Stamp, has some dings & flaking paint,1/2 hinge
missing. Included is the manual TM 11-2524  17 OCT 1944         $25

157 Tube Tester  w/manual Accurate Instrument Co. NY,NY
Is  in good working condition, but missing the cover and pages 1-10 of
the tube setup book, this includes the directions and tubes  from
0,1,3,4,to 4gm6.                                                 $25

J.H. Bunnell & Co.      Clock Works     Perftape Winder  w/ Key.
J.H. Bunnell & Co.      Clock Works     Perftape Winder  No Key
The 2 perf tape winders ,from what I can guess these use a clock wind up
mechanism, and have an arm as the tty prints out the tape the arm loses
tension and the winder rolls up the tape. They are painted a light grey
and have the name J.H. bunnell & Co. stamp on the base. Both units at in
excellant  shape, only 1 key.,  $100 or BO

Hallicrafters Op/Serv Man for S85/S85U  Copy            $5

Weston  #201    2 1/2” panel
meter   0-1KVDC 1m      ext res.
Weston  #506    2 1/2” panel
meter   0-1KVDC 1m      ext res.
Weston  #201    2 1/2” panel meter      0-2. 5KVDC 50K
        ext res.
Weston  #506    2 1/2” panel meter      0-2. 5KVDC
50k     ext res.
GE SC IS-122 2 1/2” panel meter 0-15 V ac/dc Model 8AW-41   F/BC 375 ?
 Meters  $15 ea

2 CRYSTAL OVENS by BLILEY Type TCO-2    8pin Octal 6.3v Fil
#1  2 crystals  1- 48353.333 kc, 2 2876.250 kc, #2  has 1 crystal

ARRL Radio Amateur's Hand Book          1973    $12
Cowan Publ The New Mobile Handbook      By William J Orr W6SAI 1956 $15

Oct 1936, Dec 1939, May 1939, June 1940
Jan-Dec 1934 in QST Binder 1934
June 1944,Oct 1945, Feb-Dec 1946 in QST Binder 1946
Radio   Feb 1941                        $40 or B.O. for the lot

Lots of Glowbug & BA stuff in these Magazines

I also have the following Test Equipment &  Manuals For Sale. All manuals
are orignial or other wise indicated. Most are $10 + shipping.

B & K
465             CRT Tester      Instruction Manual
465             CRT Tester      Setup Charts & Misc obsolete
466             CRT Tester      Setup Charts & Misc obsolete
1076            T.V. Analyst    Parts List & Schematic

245     Miniature Tri Phase Digital MM  Instruction Manual

RA-500/501      T.V. Chassis    Serv Data               1958

232     P/P     VTVM    Construction Manual
232/249         VTVM    Instruction Manual      Copy
232/249         VTVM    Factory Troubleshooting Man Copy
221             VTVM    Instruction Manual      1952
221             VTVM    Instruction Manual      1952
                UNIPROBE        OP & Assy Instructions copy     $2
460             DC Wide Band Oscope Instruction Manual copy     $5
944             Flyback Xfmr & yoke Tester Construction Manua   $12

TVG-2   T.V. Sig Gen    Instruction Manual              1958

90902/90942 Cathode Ray Oscope Service
Manual  1969    COPY    $6
90932 Modulation Mon Oscope Service Manual
        1960    COPY    $6
90651 Grid Dip Meter Service
Manual          1965    COPY    $6

WO-79B  Oscilloscope     OP & Instruction Serv Man      $10
WV-97A  Senior Voltohmyst       OP & Instruction Serv
Man     $10
WV-98C  Senior Voltohmyst       OP & Instruction Serv Man

CG10/12 Loboy Color Gen         Service Manual
CR143   CRT Tester              Service Manual
FE14/16 Field Effect Meter              Service Manual
FE14/16 Field Effect Meter              Service Manual
FE14    Field Effect Meter              Service Manual
PS148   5” Wide Band Oscilloscope& Vector Scope Service Manual
TR139   Transistor Tester               Service Manual
Misc    Sencore Catalogs                W/ holespunched

390             V.A. Wattmeter          Operators Manual
460             Digital VOM             Operators Manual
460             Digital VOM     Factory Service Manual Copy

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