WTB: HRO COILS (For a PY ham)

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Mon Oct 5 07:09:35 EDT 1998

Please reply ONLY to Mario - do NOT hit REPLY and ask me about this:

Date sent:        Tue, 29 Sep 1998 20:39:50 -0700
From:             Mario Luiz Bonotto <luigi at annex.com.br>
Subject:          HRO 5 coils

Bry, please helpme, I am a 40 yo Brazilian medical doctor, I
have many HRO M and 5, but they do not have the HF ( 3-30 MHz)
coils. I beg you, where in the States can I find these coils?

It's a pity, the sets have been painfully restored. I only miss
the coils.

  I have a friend in Florida that can do the shipping and
  paying.Please help me to restore my wonderful collection to
integrity.   The radios belonged to an airline, a barbarian has
destroyed  the coils, believe it or not.

Please reply ONLY to Mario - do NOT hit REPLY and ask me about this:
Mario Luiz Bonotto <luigi at annex.com.br>

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