William Lockwood

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Sun Oct 11 16:56:52 EDT 1998

Apologies for asking here, but does anyone know of  a William
Lockwood, of 38 Pommier, Hudson, PQ Canada?

He has written me a bad check (for some tubes,)and  that check did not
get returned until a MONTH later! His e-mail account has been closed
and I would like to contact him and make arrangements!

Obligatory ad:

WTB - Modulation transformers:

such as:
Stancor A-53-C Driver transformer
Triad A81-X  Driver transformer
UTC S-18  Mod transformer
UTC S-8   Mod transformer
UTC S-22 or CVM-4   Mod transformer
Stancor 3894 or 3895   Mod transformer
Thordarson 11M77   Mod transformer
Kenyon T-478 Mod transformer(60W)
VM-2 Modulation Transformer (60W)

Thanks for any leads on either matter

Best regards - Brian Carling, AF4K

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