FS: Acorn Tubes etc

Dave & Debby Anderson danderso at EROLS.COM
Thu Oct 15 05:24:44 EDT 1998

I have come across a small stash of acorn tubes (and such).  I have no
use for them, so if anyone can use them - make me an offer.
They are as follows:

954  (VT120)     3 ea. + 1 NIB
955  (VT121)     8 ea. + 1 NIB
956  (VT238)     1 ea.
958  (VT212)     2 ea. NIB
959              2 ea.
REL36            6 ea.
9004             6 ea.

Not Acorns, but in the same batch, I have:

HY-615           5 ea.

I have tested all but the REL36 and HY-615s. (My tester doesn't have
settings for them.)

Dave Anderson

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