RCA phono jacks on Heath gear

Jeffrey Herman jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Wed Oct 28 23:21:07 EST 1998

On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Gary Harmon wrote:
> 2.  SB-401 transmitter.  9 cosmetics.  Exceptional front panel, knobs,
> plastic.  SO-239 added to the rear (no, I didn't do it).  Crystal pack

You have to wonder why Heath always used an RCA phono jack for
the feedline connection rather than an SO-239.

(You have to also wonder why we write "jack" instead of "socket"!)

What's the difference between the losses at HF between the RCA phono
jack + plug, and the SO-239 + PL-259?

Someone once told me Heath chose the RCA connectors because they
were easier to solder than the PL-239.

73, Jeff KH2PZ / KH6

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