4 sale Lots, and Lots of stuff

Leo KJ6HI radioleo at EARTHLINK.NET
Thu Oct 29 01:57:37 EST 1998

I have a few things that glow in the dark 4 Sale all these items will be at
the TRW Swapmeet on Saturday 10/31/98  in the city of El Segundo, CA. from
7:00 thru 11:00 A.M. My spot is A24....73

National NC-33 looks great all original untested, and manual.. $75.00

Hammarlund HQ-100 in great condition original untested, and manual..$125.00

Drake R4C receiver
Drake T4X transmitter
Drake MS-4 speaker
Drake AC-4 power supply.....$500.00

Drake MN-2000 $175.00

Drake L4B amplifier $650.00

Tentec Century 21 CW rig $135.00

Tentec Triton IV with matching power supply 252G, both look good ,but
neither light up $190.00  as is......

Swan 250 6 meter rig 100 watts ouput looks great no power supply
 untested $150.00

Dentron MLA 2500 amplifier in excellent condition $499.00

Dentron AT-1K antenna tuner $150.00

Tempo 2001 amplifier made by Henry radio nice $475.00

Bird # 43 watt meter in excellent condition $160.00

Swan field strength meter FS-1 $15.00
Swan SWR-1A  swr/power meter $15.00

Leo KJ6HI Ph/Fax (310) 670-6969......

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