Jones Plugs and Molex Connectors

Gary Harmon gharmon at IDWORLD.NET
Tue Sep 1 16:47:10 EDT 1998

A local radio store is selling off tons of parts including a wide variety of
Jones plugs/sockets and Molex plugs/sockets.  If you have special
requirements let me know (and price range) and I'll see if they have any.
For example, I bought all the 15 pin Jones plugs that fit the Heathkit DC
power supply.  Also, I got all the 18 pin that fit the Hallicrafters

Let me know.

Gary H. Harmon, Jr. - K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX  78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at
Also Looking for Toy Action Figures

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