Eico 723 Questions

Wallace Gibbons rockwall at TCSOURCEONE.COM
Sun Sep 6 12:56:34 EDT 1998


Just became the owner of a 60's vintage novice station. Next time
someone calls and says come get  these old radios if you want em. GO!!!

I acquired a nice pristine EICO 723 60 watt transmitter and a ARC-5 40
meter range receiver with one of the nicest power supply additions on
the dynamotor deck I have ever seen. If it "has" to be modified, this is
surely the way.

Anyone have any tips on the transmitter? How is it, generally speaking?
Any inherent flaws? Chirps? Key Clicks?

Off to search for the manual, but I can't resist putting this old novice
station on the air and enjoying it. It's not the Heath HW-16 I used to
use but it's going to be fun!! I'll find me a HW-16 yet.

Comments on the tx most appreciated.

Wally Gibbons
RockWall at tcsourceone.com

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