Drake Model 583 Q-X'er For Sale.......

Robert Ross radiorob at SERIX.COM
Sat Sep 12 22:22:44 EDT 1998

Hello Drake Fans:

    I have the Following Early Drake Item for Sale........

Drake Model 583 "Q-X'er" Q- Multiplier. This is an Early (1955??) Drake
Item that I Have Never seen before. This is One of the First Items...Maybe
the First put out of the Miamisburg Plant??? This Unit is Housed in a 4" by
5" Grey Metal Cabinet and has 4 Knobs on the front. The Knobs are for
Adjust Notch, OFF/Notch/Boost/Peak, Adjust Peak, and Tuning.  The front of
the Cabinet has Burgundy Lettering with The Company Name and Model Name on
it. Comes complete with Cables and Plugs. Says it is for Receivers with 455
kc IF Freq.

Cosmetically this is about a 7 to 8 before Cleaning....will be much better
after a Bath. I think the Knobs are original....but I can't be sure since
I've never seen one of these before!! It is Untested on the Air.......and
does not appear to have any Mods or extra Holes. Paint is Quite Nice for a
Unit this Old.......Has 4 Rubber Feet.

I have No Idea what these are going for....so On this Item...I am open to
offers....will accept the best Cash Offer.....or may trade for something
equally Cool...that I can use. So...if you're Interested in this
item...please email me with your Offer....and I'll decide in a few days who
gets it!!


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