R390B??? Rumours....

Dennis Gibbs dgibbs at RATIONAL.COM
Sun Sep 13 18:26:43 EDT 1998

Greetings R390A fans,

Sorry for the wide distribution, but I believe this information
is interesting and pertinent.

While at the Gaithersburg, MD hamfest today (9-13-98) I heard a
rumour from a fairly credible source.  The source stated that he
has a friend who works in Navy procurement at the Pentagon.

According to this person, the Navy is having difficulties with
the modern Racal, WJ, and Harris equipment standing up to the
humidity and stress of shipboard use.

The Navy is in the process of procuring 1500 NEW MANUFACTURE
receivers based on the R390A!  The person said that it will be
very similar to the R390A, with some changes.  These changes

1) An addition of an IF gain control.  I'm not sure whether this
is in place of, or in addition to, the RF gain control.  Although
it would seem to not make sense to have both IF and RF gain...???

2) The 3TF7 tube is eliminated and is being replaced with solid
state circuitry.

3) The front panel will be engraved, not silk screened.

4) The nomenclature of the receiver will be different.  He didn't
say what it would be, though....Perhaps R-390B?

I tried to press this person for more details, but he did not know

Also, I'm not sure exactly, if this story is true, what stage of
procurement this is in.  I don't know if it is being sent out for
bids, or if a specific contractor has been selected, or what.

Has anyone heard these rumours?  Can anyone confirm/deny them?


Dennis Gibbs
dgibbs at rational.com

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